Avoid repeated troubleshooting site visits with our interface that allows you to diagnose issues at a glance.
Using our native player, organise content by screen and set schedules images to automatically start and stop showing for the period your customer has purchased.
See a dashboard of all your screens and what they are currently playing live from the comfort of your office.
Access reports based on our Proof of Display technology to provide your customers with third-party verified data about how their content was displayed.
View the status of your screens at a glance. See all active errors immediately, and access full error histories based on a screen, tile, or date range.
Our tile map, which mirrors your screen’s layout, makes it easy to identify which tile may have an issue to save you time in troubleshooting.
Track the performance of your screens, right down to the individual tiles. Ongoing updates of their stats can help diagnose breakages and other hard-to-find errors.
View what is currently playing on each screen from a single dashboard.
If you don’t want to use an expensive media player like Scala, or Broadsign you can use our integrated media player directly from the live view.
Manage your creatives with our simple drag-and-drop solution that allows you to set a custom schedule and dwell time for each image.
Choose report parameters to display stats about a set of creatives based on a selected date range and set of screens.
Provide your clients with statistics on their paid advertising displays so they can trust the correct images have been played at the correct time.
Generate reports in multiple formats for use with campaign-aware systems to verify the creatives were played. PDF Reports can also be created for your clients or partners.